Maze Generation

Creating the maze

I am sure there are many other ways to create mazes. This is just the method I used to create my maze generator. The solution has a maze with many paths, but there will be only one possible solution.

Step 1. Start with a maze with all the walls closed. I will use a basic 10x10 maze for this example. Then select a random point in the grid to start with (A).

Step 2. Select a random side around point A. Check if that point in the grid has been visited. If it has not, break the wall between them. Continue doing this until you get to a point where all the walls around the current grid point has been visited.

Step 3. Once you get to a point where you can't select another unvisited grid point at the current cursor position, select a random point on the path that you have taken. In this case (B). Now select a random point at point B that has not yet been visited and continue in that direction.

Step 4. When all of the grid points have been visited you break down 2 walls anywhere on the sides of your maze and they become the start and end points and your maze is complete.

Tip : There were two main obstacles that I had. One was that it was slow checking to see if all grid points had been visited and the other was how to select a point on the path that I had visited. I came up with one very clever solution (I think) that solved both those problems. When you get to the stage where you have to select a random point on the path already taken, push it onto a stack (add it to a dynamic array). So when you have to select a random point on the path, you simple select a random coordinate from the array and then take that point out of the array. When that array is empty, you have gone through all the points in the grid. This means that you don't have to scan through every point in the grid at every step to see if there are unvisited points.

Solving the maze

There are many ways to solve the maze and the best place to find out about the many solutions would be to visit There they have various maze generating and solving algorithms.

To solve a maze you can use the very basic method of always keeping left until you reach a dead end and then backtracking, or you can add a bit of intelligence to the algorithm. What I did was to calculate X and Y the distance from the current position to final position and then select the shortest route. This means that you tend to go in the right direction. So instead of turning left at the last square in the above maze you will turn to the right and complete the maze.

Some of the other faster solving techniques like bellman flooding is done by assigning a weighting to the different cells and then using that to select your path.


And that is the end of this aMAZEing article :)