Name : Maarten "McCLaw" Kronberger |
I started using computers at the age of 10 (1988),
Played all the games I could get my hands on, and got really bored really fast.
I then found the code for Gorillas and started editing this in GW Basic.
I also used commodore's and Atari's
After school I studied at Wits Technikon in South Africa, and finished my National Diploma in
This is when I first came into contact with Delphi, VB, C and C++
I met Jan in 1999 when I started working for a company called Tinderbox, doing
It was through Jan and this site that I learned OpenGL
Like him I also spend my spare time coding (mostly stuff for Sulaco but
sometimes the odd contract comes my way).
When I'm not coding I play guitar or drums, do cage fighting, work on my race
car or visit my girlfriend.(Not in any specific order) :D
I have always had this dream of starting up a South African Game Development
Company and with every piece of code I write, I get a little bit closer to this
I live on the outskirts of Centurion, Pretoria in a townhouse perfect for a
bachelor. :D
I'm currently working for a company called Unitrans Motors, as a senior
developer, where I mainly do development.
Here are some of the sites that I have created in the