Stencil Buffers - OpenGL projects in Delphi

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Stencil Buffers 9 July 2001
Description : I have added three examples to demonstrate some uses of the stencil buffer.

- Stencil 1 : First draws a square in the stencil buffer. The a wireframe knot is drawn in that mask, so it only appears in the square. The same knot is drawn filled on the scene where the stencil mask dot not appear.
- Stencil 2 : Same as above, but it renders the knot in the square area.
- Stencil 3 : Same idea, but here the knot is the mask that is created in the stencil buffer and the textured square is then drawn on that mask.

Move your mouse around to move the "view window" in Stencil 1 and 2
Download : 112 KB (EXE and Source)

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