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CHAPTER 3 Viewing

 A Transformed Wire Cube (example 3.1) 03 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Here we draw a Wireframe Box using most of the standard OpenGL transfromation techniques.

Each one of these are explained in detail in Chapter three of the Redbook.

In the original c example they used auxWireCube.
Because we are not using aux or glut, I have created a Box using inline calls.

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 Using Modeling Transformations (example 3.2) 03 November 2003
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Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Here we draw four line stippled triangles.

Each one is translated, rotated and scaled defferently.

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 Pushing and Popping the Matrix (example 3.4) 03 November 2003
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Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  For this tutorial we use glPushMatrix to create coy of the current model matrix and push it onto the stack.

We then do any new matix manipulations on the copy and pop the modified matrix off the stack.

We can then start changing the older matrix again.

So basically we saved the older matrix for later...

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 A Wireframe Sphere with Two Clipping Planes (example 3.5) 03 November 2003
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Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  We use two cliping planes in this tutorial to ignore 3/4 of our full sphere.

This tutorial uses Quadrics, which we havent handeled yet, so dont be alarmed when you see the quadric code.

It will be explained in a later tutorial.

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 A Planetary System (example 3.6a) 03 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  In this tutorial we use two spheres, rendered using Quadrics , to show local and world coordinate systems.

The yellow sphere is the sun and the green sphere is earth.

Use "A" to stop autorun.
Use "L" to add days.
Use "K" to subtract days.
Use "J" to add years.
And "H" to subtract years.

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 A Planetary System With A Moon (example 3.6b) 03 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  This is the advanced version of the previous tutorial.

Here we added a moon to our system.

Use "A" to stop autorun.
Use "L" to add days.
Use "K" to subtract days.
Use "J" to add years.
And "H" to subtract years.

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 A Robot Arm (example 3.7a) 03 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  In this tutorial we use Multiple Transforations to simulate the shoulder and elbow of a robotic arm.

Use "L" to rotate the elbow up.
Use "K" to rotate the elbow down.
Use "J" to rotate the shoulder up.
And "H" to rotate the shoulder down.

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 A Robot Arm With Fingers (example 3.7b) 05 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  This tutorial adds one finger to the previous code.

Use "J" to rotate the elbow up.
Use "H" to rotate the elbow down.
Use "L" to rotate the shoulder up.
Use "K" to rotate the shoulder down.
Use "G" to rotate upper finger up.
Use "F" to rotate upper finger down.
Use "D" to rotate the lower finger up.
And "S" to rotate the lower finger down.

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CHAPTER 4 Display Lists

 Creating a Display List  (example 4.1) 05 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Ever wondered you to make your OpenGL run faster?

Well display lists are the answer.
A display list is creaded once and is then sent to the video memory.

All you have to do to render the list is call it in each render loop.

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 Using a Display List (example 4.2 and 4.3) 06 November 2003
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Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  In this display list we have loaded some transformations and some polygons.

Each time the List is called , both the primitives and the transformations get processed.

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 Restoring State Variables within a Display List (example 4.4 and 4.5) 06 November 2003
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Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Here we have added glPush- and glPopMatrix to restore the prvious state of the Matrix Stack.

We still have 10 Triangles being rendered, the only difference is that they are now rendered one on top of the other.

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 Using a Hierarchical Display List (example 4.6) 06 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Remember the car we rendered earlier.

There where quite a lot of calulations we had to do each render.

With a Hierarchical Display List we can now define the car once and then just call the Main List.

A Hierachical Display List is a Display list that calls other Display Lists.
Each one of these "Sub-lists" can also call other lists, etc...

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 Using Multiple Display Lists to Define a Stroked Font (example 4.7 and 4.8) 06 November 2003
Description :

Delphi courses learning tutor OpenGL 3D Development Information Technology  Here we define a Font made up of line-strips.

Each Character is defined in an array and a Display List is created for each one.

The biggest difference between this tutorial and the ones before it is, that here we generate multiple Display Lists (using glGenList();) at the same time, whereas in the previous ones we defined and allocated memory for each List separately

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Perma Link: Multiple display lists to define a stroked font

Chapter 1-2     Chapter 3-4    Chapter 5-7      Chapter 8-13
